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Descripción rápida
Autor:Miguel Maldonado
Tipo documento:Libro
Editorial:Ediciones y Gráficos Eón
Año publicación:2018
Materia:Letras / Estudios literarios, Poesía
PDF ISBN:9786078559381
EPUB ISBN:No disponible
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US$ 8,00   €8,56
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For the poet from Mixcoac, the game was a foundational “L”–ement of creation and culture. The “L”–ement brings to mind the “L,” a line that curves, dribbles, and shoots through the hoop. In keeping with this logic, and like that of a Huizinga or a Caillois upon the ludic sense of culture, this work reveals an interplay of relationships and analogies equivalent to the free movement of volatile spheres in a ball game or in a roll of the dice.

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