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Methods, techniques and results for quality of life studies: impacts of tourism in four cases in Mexican communities

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Autor:Bryan H. Massan, Rodrigo Espinoza, José Luis Cornejo Ortega
Tipo documento:Libro
Editorial:Ediciones y Gráficos Eón
Año publicación:2021
Materia:Ciencias Sociales, Turismo / Hotelería
PDF ISBN:9786078732494
EPUB ISBN:No disponible
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US$ 7,00   €7,49
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This research compilation book of Methods, techniques and results for quality of life studies: impacts of tourism in four cases in Mexican communities was made posible by the combined efforts of two research teams (Análisis Regional y Turismo de México and Tourism Research Centre from Canada) involving Mexican and Canadian colleagues from three different universities (University of Guadalajara, York University and Brandon University). The researchers are affiliated by the General Project: Cambio económico, social e impactos ambientales en la región de Puerto Vallarta y Bahía de Banderas, México (Economic and social change and environmental impacts in the Puerto Vallarta Region and Bahia de Banderas, Mexico), which has been used as the general framework to analyse the impacts of tourism in the quality of life of local people. The book purposes is to continue presenting different methods and techniques that researchers have used to study the perception of the people about their quality of life and the tourism development in their communities. But there is something very important about the research results that this book presents, and this consists of the two research teams complete a second decade of research analysing the impacts of tourism in the quality of life of local people in Mexican communities and that’s a great collaborative effort between Mexican and Canadian universities.

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